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Many divorces are now resolved through court-ordered meditations.  One mediation is for custody and parenting time.  The other is for finances.  Successful mediation requires both sides to cooperate and compromise


One reason that mediation is successful is that before the parties spend lots of time and money to litigate, the neutral mediator facilitates discussions and tells both parties how the court is likely to decide.  With this knowledge, and a skillful mediator, parties that are willing to cooperate and compromise tends to settle their case. 

Court-ordered Mediation


  • Legal custody

  • Physical custody

  • Parenting time & overnights

  • Primary resident of minors

  • Resolving parenting time disputes



  • Child Support (based on income)

  • Child Care expenses

  • Medical/dental

  • Spousal maintenance

  • Division of  martial assets and liabilities

Child Support Modifications
  • Contested modifications can be complex to prosecute or defend.  Both sides need to gather and present evidence to the court that there has been at least a 20% change in financial circumstances.


  • We also help clients with changes in custody and to collect past child support

Complex Cases
  • Divorces can become complicated when large assets are involved such as a on-going business concern, or large net worth.  We understand the needs of business owners and advise owners on business startups, operations, sale, mergers and acquisitions.  Our business experience and skills can play a critical role in divorce valuations.

Family Law

Most routine family cases are handled on a fix fee instead of hourly.  If a case takes an unexpected turn, we then convert to an hourly rate for the unexpected work.


Call us for a free no obligation consultation

We meet clients in the Twin Cities and Two Harbors .

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